Immersive Show Licensing
The below original experiences have been proven to make excellent immersive productions. If you are seeking to produce an immersive show, this is a good place to start. Royalties start at $60 per show, depending on the show, audience size and ticket price. Agreements are customized to each producer. ​Please direct all questions and license inquiries to We appreciate your interest in producing immersive shows!

The Picture of
Dorian Gray
by Oscar Wilde
Adapted for Immersive Presentation by Alisa Stewart
The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
- Lord Henry
Oscar Wilde's only novel comes to life in an immersive setting. Set in Victorian England, the innocent, young Dorian makes a Faustian bargain, selling his soul for youth and beauty, while his portrait becomes steadily uglier. Although the picture is hidden away, the darkness that it holds takes possession of the man, leading him to a life of debauchery and murder.
The production is presented in promenade fashion. The lead role can be played by a male or female.
CAST SIZE: 10 actors; 6 men, 4 women. Double/flex casting
DURATION: more than 120 minutes
GENRE: horror/thriller
TARGET AUDIENCE: appropriate for all ages
TIME PERIOD: 1890 (Victorian)
SETTING: London, England
FEATURES: period costumes
AUDIENCE POSITION: promenade audience (moves with the scenes and actors)
Minimum License Fee: $60 per performance
Great Gatsby's Daisy
by Alisa Stewart
based on the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The classic All American Novel with a whole new twist when the title character is portrayed as a passing black man in a white man's society. The adaptation gives the character of Daisy Buchanan substance. She is portrayed not as a money-grubbing, superficial character, but a deeply artistic soul, not unlike Zelda Fitzgerald, who finds herself conflicted between what she has and what she could have. Jordan Baker is also a passing jazz singer, who tells Nick Carraway to portray her as a tennis player in his book, so as to keep her secret a secret.
This adaptation was inspired by Jay Gatsby: A Black Man in Whiteface by Janet Savage. Fitzgerald wrote from his conflicting racial beliefs and his insider/outsider status to support the novel’s central theme: the doomed pursuit of the American Dream.
The production can be produced either by announcing the passing players' secret, or allow the characters' secrets to be discovered by an unsuspecting audience.
CAST SIZE: 8 actors
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: must cast two African-American actors who are vital to the plot
DURATION: more than 120 minutes
GENRE: tragedy/modernism
TARGET AUDIENCE: appropriate for all ages
SETTING: Long Island, New York
FEATURES: period costumes, singing,
AUDIENCE POSITION: promenade (move through scenes)
Minimum License Fee: $75 per performance

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
by Robert Lewis Stevenson
Adapted for an Immersive Experience
presentation by Alisa Stewart
In a reimagined version of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic tale, set in the rugged gold mining town of Brannock, Montana in 1960, Dr. Jekyll's tragic invention of Mr. Hyde arises from his sincere medical experimentation. Heartbreak strikes when cholera claims the lives of his beloved wife, young son, and cherished townspeople. Dr. Jekyll's quest to eradicate this deadly disease leads him to create potions derived from indigenous medicine. However, the result is not a cure but a monster far more sinister than the cholera itself. The adaptation weaves a narrative of love, tragedy, and a flicker of hope amidst the desolation, as Dr. Jekyll grapples with the consequences of his well-intentioned actions.
CAST SIZE: 8 actors
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: piano player who can provide musical background for the show
DURATION: more than 120 minutes
GENRE: tragedy/modernism
TARGET AUDIENCE: appropriate for all ages
SETTING: Long Island, New York
FEATURES: period costumes,
AUDIENCE POSITION: seated performance
Minimum License Fee: $60 per performance
The Rise of Houdini
by Alisa Stewart
The audience gathers to watch a preshow of singing, dancing, and burlesque. What follows is a magic show and conjuring of the most famous magician in history. But what the audience doesn't realize is that the entire show is rigged.
The Rise of Houdini is a show that attracts audiences to the notion that a magic man will conjure the spirit of Houdini. However, with a couple audience plants, the show quickly goes off the rails, and the magician in fact opens a door to hell, and releases the evil spirits that wreak havoc and possess the soul of an "innocent" audience member. Never to fear-- a spiritualist is on speed dial, and the modern day medium, complete with a camera crew filming her YouTube channel, comes to the rescue. The end result is a love story featuring Harry Houdini and Bess Houdini, manifest inside of the actors, that may have you shed a tear as they give each other one last kiss.
Audiences who attend this show rave about how they did not know what was real, could not anticipate what would happen next, and thoroughly enjoyed the deception and the amazing story.
CAST SIZE: 8 actors
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: One magician is required to be able to interact with guests with magic tricks. Also Recommend opening the show with burlesque and/or drag performances to add to the fun cocktail party atmosphere
DURATION: 120 minutes
GENRE: ghost stories/horror/love story
TARGET AUDIENCE: over 21 for burlesque show and adult themes
TIME PERIOD: Modern but suggested 1920s theme
SETTING: 1920s cocktail party
FEATURES: period costumes, magic, burlesque, jazz singing
AUDIENCE POSITION: seated in traditional theater style
Minimum License Fee: $60 per performance

101 Extraordinarily Awful & Truly Terrible Ways to Die (in one night)
by Alisa Stewart, Leia Young, Christian Gutierrez, Amber Green, Katie Mortemore, Ryan Pfeiffer & Jonny Cantrell
A modern day Monty Python-inspired dark comedy about some of the most interesting ways that real people have died. The show features a series of vignettes, similar to a comedy show. Also encourages audience participation by creating a real time "terrible death mad lib" that actors perform after audiences enter suggestions on their phone. Audiences also suggest their own truly terrible stories of death and win a prize. Look out for the grim reaper, who is omnipresent at the show. But looks can be deceiving.... perhaps it is not easy being death. He may just have some problems of his own.
CAST SIZE: 6 ensemble performers (3 m, 3 w)
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: ensemble should be capable of performing improvisation
DURATION: 120 minutes
GENRE: dark comedy/improvisation
TARGET AUDIENCE: 18 and over due to adult themes
TIME PERIOD: Present day
SETTING: Versitile stage with projection screen
FEATURES: improvisation, singing, dancing, pre-filmed video clips
AUDIENCE POSITION: seated in traditional theatre style
Minimum License Fee: $60 per performance
The Queen's Feast:
Return of the Monarch
by Alisa Stewart
Travel back in time to 1588, when Queen Elizabeth I's popularity was in need of a little sprucing up. The Queen is traveling to Tilbury to present a speech to the troops on the eve of their attack on the Spanish Armada. Historically, this speech helped the Queen become "the warrior queen." Ths show features historical characters from history, and takes some artistic license as to what may have transpired the night before her speech.
This production is best presented as a celebration in a large space, such as a barn, field, or other appropriate venue to host a large crowd. As the title suggests, it is focused around a meal. The courses, featuring traditional Tudor fare, is presented in Madrigal style to the queen, with songs and entertainment. Upon service of the final dessert course, an up-and-coming lad by the name of Will Shakespeare and his Chamberlain's men perform a few scenes from new pieces he has been working on. The scenes are interrupted by a sinister plot, unveiled by the hidden rebels of the house: the Queen has a half-brother, who has been raised by one of the Queen's advisors. Will Queen Elizabeth accept her half-brother, or will she have him hanged like her sister Queen Mary I?
CAST SIZE: 26 ensemble performers capable of multi-tasking dinner service
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: a caterer willing to create modern-day dishes based on a Tudor menu
DURATION: 3 hours, including dinner
GENRE: dinner theater, historical drama
SETTING: Versitile stage with projection screen
FEATURES: improvisation, singing, dancing, pre-filmed video clips
AUDIENCE POSITION: seated in traditional theatre style
Minimum License Fee: $60 per performance